Software testing services

Levi9 strongly believes that the quality of software is based on synergy of all the parties involved in the effort: Development, Testing and IT Operations. Continuous testing is of fundamental importance when implementing Continuous Delivery or Deployment.

The software testing process will start from the moment when the first line of code is created and submitted to the code repository, to ensure that success criteria and quality requirements will be met and will be compliant with the agreed Definition of Done. A continuous testing platform runs in the background, automatically executing the tests and ensuring that issues are identified almost immediately.

The key benefits of this technique include:

  • Helping extend agile and lean practices across the delivery lifecycle
  • Enabling teams to test earlier and with greater coverage at lower cost
  • Test scripts reusability on different environments
  • Providing teams with continuous feedback on software quality to reduce business risk
  • Committing working code frequently making roll-back easier in case of major new defects
  • Tests are automated and integrated into the build process as early as possible

Years of experience in various industries

Fintech and finance

Technology and innovation for challengers in the finance world


Growing revenues for electronic retail

Digital media and advertising

Programmatic web and data solutions for advertisers

Traffic and Transport

Intelligent Traffic Solutions, Mobility as a Service and Public Transport Solutions

Independent Software Vendors

Scale-up solutions for software companies

Digital platforms

Technology solutions for Digital Platforms


IoT, Blockchain and Integration solutions

Industrial automation

Robust technology for industry-grade applications