User experience and scalable solutions
Streaming, playback and website platforms developed with cutting edge technologies.
For Talpa Network, we deliver custom software solutions for the TV, Radio, Publishing and Shared services domains. For all these domains the main focus is on user experience and scalable solutions at the same time.
How we do it:
A data-driven approach ensures that product and software development are driven by end user needs
A Discovery-Delivery model gives opportunity for new ideas and experiments to be carried out, and if proven right, implemented to production environment. Starting from the customer side focused groups and tests, through refinement process, and all the way to Spikes, PoC and A/B testing implementation.
Technology orchestration means building custom made components on top of already present market solutions, so we are able to deliver custom solution within a short period of time, thus optimizing costs and time to market value.
Product Teams are organized in small functional areas focusing on specific part of the product (ex. API, Web,Mobile) enabling quick scaling and efficient collaboration. At the same time services are used across the entire development landscape and are supported by separate DevOps and Data teams.
Case Overview
An extensive software development force of professionals at Levi9 is using these key elements to deliver.
More than Tech Experts
Our expertise in an entire range of technologies and applications enabled us to develop robust, maintainable and scalable solutions for various domains. Our focus on agile processes and development process automation coupled with our core business values creates a strong and lasting relationship with Talpa.
AWS expertise
Leveraging our DevOps expertise and our AWS certified experts help creating efficient, scalable and reusable infrastructure that supports development and business needs.
Using Open Source
In our aim to further optimize costs we are always keeping an eye for latest and greatest open source libraries that can help us not only save some costs but speed up development as well.
Orchestrating technology
Development teams are using various 3rd party services and solutions that are integrated into custom products.

Learn how technology orchestration can boost your business
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"LeviNiners are engaged and are seen as true colleagues. The partnership provides a lot of flexibility."
— Serge van Steensel, Chief Technology Officer