Proven track record
We work together with the world's most IT critical companies.
We know our business and the business of our customers. There is no bigger prize than a customer who increases his market position because of great technology made by us.
We have over 15 years of experience in the industry.
We have over one thousand professional and talented employees.
6 delivery centers across Eastern Europe and 1 headquarter.
Dive into our latest case study
We understand the challenges our customers face within and across several industries. We provide practical, pragmatic and powerful solutions for addressing those challenges. Our case studies show those solutions in action.

"There’s so much mutual trust between us that we don’t even think of them as a vendor anymore.”
— Martijn Hohmnann, CEO Five Degrees

Find out what services we offer
Our services are appreciated because of our customer oriented way of working, our strong technology skills and the capability to translate technology in sector specific applications.
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With around 1000 levi niners we embrace diversity and love working together on one common goal. Every levi niner stands out in its personality, its knowledge and its skills which is why we complement each other well.